Talks and presentations

Innovatieve IT-strategieën voor concurrentievoordeel
Innovatieve IT-strategieën voor concurrentievoordeel Inkubis Inspiration Day 2024

Our environment is changing rapidly. New technologies come and go. Companies are being acquired. In this constantly evolving tech world, it is hard to be sure about your choices. And what if you did make the wrong choice? Often you then find yourself in an awkward situation.

We may then be stuck as a company with a technology we may not be able to switch with. What if the others did make the right choices? What if we get questions from “the business” and we can’t anticipate (fast enough) because we made the wrong decisions?

This talk will help you take the unpredictability out of strategic choices. We’ll tell you how to build forward-thinking IT strategies that give you the competitive advantages you need, can drive differentiation and support business objectives.

Orchestrating the Future: Pioneering Self-Service Oracle Platforms
Orchestrating the Future: Pioneering Self-Service Oracle Platforms Connected Future

Learn how modern Internal Developer Platforms (#IDP) enhance efficiency, reduce time-to-market, and foster innovation for your organization. Don’t invite your competitors to this one …!

A modern CMDB at the heart of automation
A modern CMDB at the heart of automation Puppetize Digital 2021

The classic view we have on the CMDB is no longer sufficient. Having a static database of Configuration Items that is heavily guarded by a Change Management process, no longer suffices in a modern, agile, or cloud-native environment. A modern CMDB should be the heart of your automation journey, both being managed by your automation as well as feed information back to your platform via automation.

Modernising legacy platforms through easy automation
Modernising legacy platforms through easy automation Puppetize Digital 2020

Sometimes your stuck with legacy infrastructure. We are here to tell you, that doesn’t need to be a bad thing. Through easy automation you can make your oracle or IBM infrastructure modern and agile.

Don’t believe us? Come see how we migrate an existing Oracle database and WebLogic environment from on-prem to the Oracle cloud.